Wednesday, 11 November 2020

ARLIS/ANZ 2020 Conference Day 1 Afternoon

The theme of the afternoon session was Artists' Books: identity, memory and narrative. This session entailed three artists and one collaboration discussing how they develop and make their artists' books. Darren Bryant creates artists' books by screen-printing representations of half-tone dots on pages from children's encyclopedias, which he then folds geometrically to transform these old pages into non-linear narratives, raising questions of authenticity (he cited both Walter Benjamin on reproduction and critics of Benjamin ), nostalgia, and in particular, aura.

Annique Goldenberg (whose work Enforced Austerity is ARLSI/ANZ's conference logo for 2020) talked about the long process of transforming materials gathered from different places into artists' books. When it goes online, this will be one to add to your viewing list as it is difficult to encapsulate.

Ana Paula Estrada described how she processed the pain and memory of a breakup by transforming her husband's clothes into a book and then discussed how she has had to transform her current practice into digital artworks due to COVID-19. 

Grief was also the theme of Louis Lim and Beth Jackson's paper. Taking their own grief and expressing it through poetry, Polaroid processes, drawing upon separate cultures and creating books from these. This will be another to add to your viewing list.

The remainder of the afternoon has been given over to exhibition tours for onsite participants and a Zoom meeting for online participants.

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