Wednesday, 10 October 2018

ARLIS/ANZ 2018 Conference Day 2 afternoon

During lunch (where I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of sandwiches that didn't have cheese and tomato in them - two ingredients I have to avoid and which are very difficult to avoid), I visited the bookshop and James Turrell's Skyspace.
After lunch, some delegates went to the AGM and others toured some of the exhibitions. As a chapter president, I went to the AGM. The afternoon session resumed with Peta Jane Blessing. Tim Jones was next discussing audio aids for collection viewing. Duncan McColl of AIATSIS introduced us to their art collections and their beta online platforms. You'll notice a lot of typos in these tweets - getting towards the end of conference and I was getting tired. Duncan was the last speaker for the day (not a great spot, but he did a great job). Although these tweets give only a brief flavour of the papers (some briefer than others), all of the papers will go online at the ARLIS/ANZ website, along with the slides and audio recordings of the presentations. As for the delegates, some left that evening and some the next day. I was one of the ones who left the next day.

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